HUGE Online Book Auction (1,000s of books)
Shelf Loads of books, Collectible books, some from late 1800s, Almost every genre, History, Novels, Biography, Autobiography, Literature, Famous Authors, Religion, Science Fiction, Book Shelves, Book Cases, and more items are being added until sale day. Check back often for updates.
Soft Close Friday Night September 30th at 7:00 PM
Bidding Opens September 22nd at 11:00 am
The auction begins closing at 7:00 pm
Pick up at 100 Auction Way. Nashville
beginning Saturday, October 1st from 9 to 3, pick-up for this auction will also be available Monday, October 3rd from 9 to 3.
Do not stop in the office. You can pay by Cash or Hibid Credit Card at the personal property building!!
15% Buyer’s Premium on all items
All Cash buyers come on Saturday, October 1st from 9 to 3
On Saturday enter the gate off Dickerson Pike next to the auction building at 1208 Dickerson Pike, watch for signs.
All unpaid balances will be charged to your credit card
at 4:00 pm on Saturday 10/01
Click here to register and bid
Call or Text Grant at 615-972-8414 with any questions or to sell your real estate, vehicles, equipment, farm, industrial machinery, or personal property items.